
Month to Month Custom Training and Programming

This is a great option if you’re looking to focus on a specific facet of your climbing, training for a specific climb that is coming into season, or just looking to see what professional coaching and training services are like.

  • Trainerize App (full access)

  • Email/In-app response to questions and programming within 24hrs

  • Climbing technique and route specific beta analysis - video submissions

  • 1:1 Training session (1 hour). These could cover performance testing, lifting techniques, movement skills and drills, partnered climbing, program updates and modifications

3-Month Custom Training and Programming

This style of programming is where we really get to commit to some development and substantial progress both physically and strategically in you as a climber. Committing time into a thorough individualized and developed training plan allows for gains to be made and solidified. Getting into a multi month program ensures you and I will be able to work through various training skills, energy system spectrum, and tactics. A 3 month program is a great option if you have an extended trip to prepare for or are looking for a specific training block for an upcoming season.

  • Trainerize App (full access)

  • Email/In-app response to questions and programming within 24hrs

  • Climbing technique and route specific beta analysis - video submissions

  • 1:1 Training sessions - These could cover performance testing, lifting techniques, movement skills and drills, partnered climbing, program updates and modifications. This option comes with 3 one hour sessions in the 3month period.

Climbing Performance Assessment Consultation (1 hour )

Gym based climbing performance measures. This is a great option for athletes looking to find their current baseline levels and determine where the training efforts are best spent. This assessment will feature a full spectrum of specific testing that will include: finger strength, power, strength endurance, hip flexibility and mobility. At the end of the session we’ll discuss the findings and how these correlate with your current climbing level and desired climbing goals. If you’re looking to find where your greatest opportunity for growth is, this is a great place to start. Comes with a df review of the consultation and analysis of findings.

Climbing Skills and Drills Training Session (1 hour)

Climbing based movement skills, drills, and send tactic session. Also a great option if you’re looking to be coached and learn more about specific lifting techniques. Comes with a pdf reviewing the session details as well as videos of skills/drills that we might have discovered during the session

What do you need or want? And how can I help you?

If there is something unique or specific you feel specifically training towards or for: upcoming trip prep, body tension training, single arm lock offs or pull ups, or potentially setting up maintenance training for extended trips. Don’t hesitate to reach out and inquire for any of those or other such possibilities. If none of the other training or coaching options are what you’re hoping for let me know what it might be I could help with and hopefully we can find a way to make it happen. Email with inquiries:

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